Update v0.5.7 Release!

So, now I finally added player customization! I've planned this as one of key futures since this game started. 

Mod Instructions (for windows)

And a little bonus -- You can use your custom sprites! Just follow the instruction below(I may post it somwhere else soon):

  1. Create a unity project using unity 2019.3 or higher.
  2. Create folder with any name and tag it asset bundle tag players
  3. Create folders like on screeenshot guide0
  4. Create a script to build asset bundles inside Editor folder. Script: https://pastebin.com/BmMPqnQc
  5. In editor click tools->build asset bundles.
  6. Copy created files to Application directory->StreamingAssets->AssetBundles->Windows
  7. Launch the game!


GTv0.5.7-rel.7z 29 MB
Jan 10, 2022
GTv0.5.7-rel.apk 38 MB
Jan 10, 2022

Get Geometry Splash

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